Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Be Rich With A Saying

It's not what you finished but it's who you have become

Be Rich With A Saying

If you're doing anything to solve the problem...
Then YOU are part of the problem.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

HMP,,Alam mo ba?

That cockroaches can live for up to a month with their heads cut off?

SIGE NGA..subukan mo ito!

Answer the following questions..
1. Where can anybody but you sit?
2. Why would a cleaning person prefer to wash a mirror than a window of the same size, assuming that both are accessiblle?
3. How can you throw a ball so it will reverse direction and return to you without the ball bouncing against or touching any solid object?
4. Your bed and a light switch are 15 ft. apart. Without using any object or mechanical device-a pole or a remote switch- how can you turn off the light and get into bed before the room gets dark?
5. Rusty's Montana cabin is almost buried in snow, and the temperature is 25 below zero. Rusty's eyes move from the single match he has in his hand to a candle, an oil lamp and a fireplace with kindling- all ready to be lit. Which does he light first?
6. What is cowhide chiefly used for?
7. Can you rearrange these letters into one long word: doornonegwl?

How many have you answered?
Take a look at these key answers and find out!
1. Your lap.
2. It is because mirror has only one side.
3. Throw the ball straight up.
4. Go to bed during daylight.
5. The match--of course.
6. For holding cows together.
7. One Long Word.

the joker's line

Some of my friends started a company built around an innovative idea for an online business. A debate broke out about what to name the venture.
"We have to call it Imagination", one passionate participant cried out.
Everyone thought the idea for a minute, and then a voice of a reason replied "Are you sure you want your business card to read 'Imagination Limited'?"

Monday, September 22, 2008

Fact Bits: Where Are The Wealths?

1% of the world's population is composed of the very rich people that owns the 40% of the world's wealth ( The Guardian,London). Those who are engaged in financing and internet industry are included as very rich. In the UN's research, 37% of this very rich people were on US, 27% on Japan, And 6% on UK. The 50% of world's population is composed of the very poor who owns only 1% of the world's wealth.
--Gumising, Oct2008, pp. 30

Be Rich With A Saying

...Your greatest motivation is hearing your superior's footsteps coming