Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Joker's Line

it's good to have some laughing moments after a stressing work.
this one is for you...

There are three guys who committed a sin in their tribe. As a punishment, the leader ordered each of them to bring him 10 fruits of the same kind. The first guy, Pedro, brought 10 apples. Then, the leader told his servants to insert the fruits in the sinner's anus, and those who will cry for pain or laugh will be killed. The servants began to insert the apples in Pedro's but only inserting half of the first fruit, Pedro cried for pain. He was killed. Here comes Juan, the second guy, who brought 10 grapes. The same process was done. It's on the tenth fruit when Juan laughed hard and so, he was killed. At heaven, Juan and Pedro talked. Pedro asked Juan why he laughed when he was on the last fruit and he will be forgiven. Juan said "it's because I saw Kano, the third guy, heavily bringing 10 jackfruits".

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